Our Services
OHP is aimed at companies that want to export to international markets and especially to emerging.
Offers a comprehensive service in order to respond, effective, many of the issues, needs and difficulties with which the client is in the process of looking for efficient formulas to export their products, brands and / or services in both traditional model of export through distributors, such as choosing appropriate partners for its implementation in these competitive markets.
OHP considers, in his vast experience, there is only one safe way to export and / or be implemented to do business in these countries, that is: Putting yourself in the hands of expert professionals in sales and trading, locally, enabling companies to manage reliable information from the first € / $ / or time invested, which always turn back in greater chance of success in making decisions, whether to enter or to reject the investment, both economically and time, this is the mission the OPH plays and therefore the characteristics and values that define us.
Integrated Solutions
Internationalize our company is, without any doubt, one of the best ways to add more value and diversity, ensuring its growth.
OHO offers integrated solutions for this process, supporting and advising it to its full implementation in the country.
OHP provides important support for trade missions organized by different organizations, through the development of Meeting Schedules’ business with local entrepreneurs.
Having identified the potential customers or sectors that may be interested in the company’s product in question, we begin to develop our organization to conduct a suitable study adaptability thereto, prior to making a meeting.
Meetings can be made at the customer premises, the offices of various official bodies or, if the customer prefers, for convenience, in their lobby or hotel.
Our organization offers you a SERIOUS service, PROFESSIONAL AND EFFICENT whose optimum result for excellence is virtually guaranteed.
We offer general information of the economic situation of each country, highlighting special importance in information specific for the sector or specific product, export object.
Our studies include a report of competitors/contestants, guidance on market prices, brand positioning, forms of penetration and distribution in the market, etc.
Research for customers and importers and management of export process by following the initiated contact with potential customers.
Representation and monitoring the company and trade agreements. Our staff specializes in the configuration and Search Commercial Agent image and Representative and Local Distributor.
- Company analysis
- Law Reports
- Advice on offers and hiring
- Business Opportunity Identification
- Creation and accessorizing in setting up branches in the country
- Legal Advice – tax the country itself
- Follow-up investments
- Capture potential local partners and advice in companies or joint ventures
- Integration in the country Lobbies
- Preparation and general coordination
- Broadcast media: Press, mailing, ads
- Stand presence with native translators’
- Tracking contacts made at trade shows
- Opening of subsidiaries and branches
- Subsidies and aid for export
- Establishment of local branches and
- Investors search
- International Communication and Branding
- Translation and interpretation services
- Courses and training

OHP know that export or rolling out the new market is not easy and that within this difficult must be added a high economic cost.
Getting customers, finding a partner, locate a distributor, agent or importer, a market we do not know, becomes a laborious action and not always with good results.
OHP considers it essential that go hand professionals and experts knowledgeable in the destination country, if you make the decision and internationalize.
For all of this, OHP has set a tariff system for MODULES, which aims to streamline the entire process and offer the best guarantees of success in the tasks assigned.
OHP has defined four sized modules and value according to various factors. Each of them has a range with closed and pre-established price and may vary in amount depending on the following factors: turnover, economic sector, technological innovation, and prior market deployment, markets already have exported previously, etc.
Modules for tariff system
MODULE 1: Market study
With this basic package there will be a market full report and the sector that interests you to our client. The scope of works includes: potential customers, sales channels and distribution, importers, the existing competence, comparison, administrative regulation and taxation.
MODULE 2: Schedulle of meetings
Given that the best way to market the products of our customers is direct communication, we bet by marking business meeting directly with potential customers or intermediaries.
Depending on the interest in rolling out in the country or have a continuity in sales, you may want to know the customer given in, their presence in the market, get direct information of competition or simply see if the channel is seeking to introduce ourselves that objective market.
The OHP mission is to make a selection of companies that fit with the subject of the demand, to ensure some minimum standards of integrity, ability and professionalism, avoiding at all possible, unnecessary risks
MODULE 3: Support the destination
It is a service offered by OHP to its customers, providing coverage in the 24 hours of the day during the time spent at the destination.
Where and when this package is contracted , our staff en each country, will be available to our client to support you, advise and help you and any matter it deems appropriate: accommodation, travel, monitoring meetings, administrative management, banking procedures, etc.
Siempre y cuando contrate este paquete, nuestro personal, en cada país, estará a disposición de nuestro cliente, para apoyarle, asesorarle y ayudarle, en cualquier cuestión que considere necesaria: Alojamiento, desplazamiento, acompañamiento a las reuniones, gestiones administrativas, trámites bancarios, etc.
MODULE 4: Follow-up of operations
The OHP mission does not end with the materialization of the meeting between the parties. In the event that the customer’s request, OHP is able to find and select the “Commercial Agent” to then open a channel tracking and control of the agreements reached between our client and the Agent and/or selected Distributor. We perform and deliver to our customers, reports on the development and monitoring of work contracted people, keeping periodic review meetings and adapting objectives.
Where and when this package is contracted, our staff in each country will be at the disposal of our client, to support you, advise you and help you in any matter that it considers necessary: accommodation, travel, monitoring meetings, administrative management, banking procedures, etc.
Associated companies
Company participated by OHP, labor company with presence in the markets of Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde.
Associated Company, manufacturer and designer of mobiles devices established in Shenzhen, specializing in original manufacturer services, design, customization and logistics.